Canning Road Evangelical Church

Food Bank

We partner with Compassion Acts, part of the national Trussell Trust network of foodbanks.

We want to help local people in crisis by providing three days basic food supplies. We offer this in a friendly, non-judgemental environment.

You can also get advice and support about debt and benefits, from our trained advisor.

Who is it for?

Foodbank is for anyone who is in financial crisis and not able to afford food, regardless of their circumstances. It doesn’t matter if you work full time, part time, claim benefits or none of these things. We help people from all different walks of life and for all different reasons.

Do I need a referral or voucher?

We recommend that you come with a referral from an agency like social services, doctors, the local school, or similar.

If you’ve tried to get a referral and not been able to – if they’re shut or not answering calls – you can self-refer and we’ll issue you a voucher directly.

Please try to contact us* before turning up at a session so we can make sure we can help you before you make the journey.

Although there is usually a limit to how many parcels we can give a person in a certain time, we will never refuse to help anyone who is in need. If you are struggling, speak to whoever usually refers you, or contact us*.

What else?

While at the food bank, you can stop for a chat, tea or coffee, or prayer with one of the Canning Road team.

As well as food, we also dispense toiletries, and stuff for staying warm and safe at home, like hot water bottles and energy saving measures.

*Contact Compassion Acts

Call 01704 264505
